Thursday, May 26, 2005

Have a Coke & a smile..

Coke recently announced it's new Diet Coke sweetened with Splenda. I tried it today, and it does indeed taste very close to original Coke. - Only one problem, I HATE fucking regular COKE! (actually I never fucked it, but I don't like the way it tastes...) ;)


Friends with no benefits...

Ever hear the term "Friends with benefits" ? I'm involved in a 3+ month "friendship" Now while I would love to call this a relationship, Since we have been going out 3-4 times a week and talking every night for months. But it is just not the case. If I were receiving some of the afore mentioned "benefits" this would be much more bearable. I really have no Idea where I'm going with this blog, I'm writing out of sheer frustration. I just thought of "Friends with no benefits" and it made me chuckle............. Ok, I'm back to being miserable now. *sigh*


Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Why is writing so relaxing...

Recently I have taken up writing, mind you I'm not very good at it so don't expect any books out of me in the near future. ;) I doubt they would like smiley faces in books anyhow. Ok, Ok, I'm drifting way off topic. Back to my writing... Whenever I'm stressed out over something [or someone] I write. Sometimes for a couple hours. The strangest part about it is, I'm writing about the very thing that is stressing me out - and it makes me feel BETTER. I would love to have an explanation for this phenomenon. It really does not seem like it would make any sense, after all why would writing all your thoughts down about something that is bothering you help? I'm not going to dig too deep for an answer - all I know is it's working, & I'm sticking with it! The power of the pen, or keyboard in my case... ;)


Can't buy me love...

You know the old song 'Money can't buy me love' How true that is. Recently I surprised my Girlfriend with a large chocolate chip cookie and a personalized crossword puzzle. Grand to total of $12.00 upon receiving this she was so excited she told all her co-workers, emailed me a half dozen times and couldn't stop talking about how nice it was. Fast forward 3 weeks, I decide to again surprise her at work. This time with a Silver heart necklace from Tiffany's. One would have thought this would have gotten the same if not more of a response. After all It is jewelry ( what woman doesn't like jewelry!) and relatively expensive. I received one email, and got no response among her co-workers. Very strange in my book, but I guess it just goes to show, sometimes a cheap thoughtful gift wins out over an expensive one. Who knew. ;)


Interesting pillow...

I'm wandering through Bed Bath & Beyond the other day (I know I'm a geek) and I come across these comfy 'Sqush' Therapy pillows (you know the real comfortable pillows made of spandex like material that are filled with little beads) The pillow was on sale for $5 - so I had to buy one. Once I got it home I looked at the tags and oddly enough, the tag read- WARNING: Do not use for sleeping. WTF! Why would you sell a super comfortable pillow that was not for sleeping! Me being the rebel that I am immediately grabbed the pillow and tried to sleep. After two minutes the actual therapeutic properties of the pillow were evident. The pillow (or stuffing) smells like Fiberglass! Now you may need to be into car audio to fully understand the soothing scent of drying fiberglass resin. But this pillow is a keeper, well worth my $5. :)


Why did the pervert cross the road?

"His dick was stuck in the chicken."


Sunday, May 22, 2005

Not the sharpest knife in the drawer...

When the lady next door came out to ask advise for planting some things in her flower bed, I politely told her that I really didn't know what I was doing - and I just picked out some stuff that looked nice. I figured she was just asking to seem friendly. The following day I come home form work to see this. (picture below)now, for starters, the had a big dead plant in the back of the flower bed. That stayed, next there were two medium to large plants about halfway back in the bed - they stayed. fine. I would love to know where in the the world she was advised to put the smallest flowers she could find BEHIND the big plants so no one can see them. WTF. Get a clue...


Thursday, May 19, 2005

It could be worse...

This afternoon during lunch, I ran [drove] to the Wachovia Center to pick up my Kenny Chesney tickets, went to the bank, and stopped to pick up lunch. It was such a nice day I had the windows down and the moonroof wide open. When I returned to the office. I concidered leaving the roof open since it was such a nice day. I decided to close it and crack one of the windows 'just in case' it rained. When 5pm rolled around and it was time to leave for the day - I looked up - and what do I see but a big splat of bird shit right dead center in the moonroof glass. Funny how close that actually was to being all over my seats. This is noteworthy because I beleive it was the only thing that went right all week...


Friday, May 13, 2005

Which is less productive?

A) Sleeping the day (afternoon) away.


B) Spending the afternoon drinking at a bar.

I have mixed feelings on the subject, I'm curious to hear YOUR thoughts! :)


Thursday, May 12, 2005

Note to self...

If you ever find yourself card shopping and trip over a perfect card even know it is not appropriately for the event you are shopping for - BUY IT ANYWAY, and put it in a drawer. Two weeks ago when looking for that 'perfect' card (that did not exist) which did not mention 'love' or 'sex' yet was still flirty, I stumbled upon a PERFECT card! It ended, with 'I love you' so I returned it to the shelf. Weeks later, the card IS appropriate, and I have searched 4 stores hoping to find THAT card, do you think I can find it? NO! If I only would have spent the $3 when I saw it... I suppose I will know for the next time... Just stinks though. That card would have been a home run! Only time will tell if the replacement will have similar results. Here's to hoping! :)