Monday, February 21, 2005

Have you been to the bar lately???

Ahh, The often overlooked bar... Now I know men have been escaping reality and sitting in bars around the world long before I ever ever took a sip of beer. I have been to many bars and drank many beers in my life, most of which were enjoyed at a table in the drinking establishment, after all who would want to endure the cigarette smoke and random people talking to you when you are trying to enjoy your beer? Well, one snowy day Josh and me decided to go to our local bar for a few beers, when we got there we found the place was nearly empty so we decided to belly up to the bar and see what the allure was. Let's see, we got our beers and Josh mentions to says to me " You know I have really been thinking of getting a bike..." Not 5 seconds after he finishes the sentence, the guy two stools over hikes his leg up on the chair next to us, pulls up his pant leg, and shows us the steel rod he has for a leg from the knee down. And he says " This is why you don't want a bike, get a fast car instead..." Now what are the odds! That is truly bizarre, and it happens time and time again. senario #2: I'm sitting in a sports bar in New Orleans, when I started talking to the guy next to me, as it turned out the guy was from Philadelphia, and we began to discuss Eagles football. Now the night ended with us arguing over the Eagles opponent in the 1960 NFL Championship Game. (As we all know Philadelphia defeated Green Bay 17-13 in the NFL Championship Game, December 26, 1960 marking the only championship loss ever for Vince Lombardi.) But he felt the need to argue that it was the Giants... At any rate, what are the odds that someone in New Orleans would be sitting next to me and be able to have a somewhat intelligent conversation about the birds. Only at your local bar...